Friday, October 10, 2008

Sonny Acres

Captain's Blog: Stardate 74652.5

October 10th, 2008

Today we went to Sonny Acres pumpkin farm. This is my second trip here, though I don't remember my first too well since I was only three months old. At first Mommy and Daddy just let me wander around and let me lead, which I LOVED. I hate being told which way to go.

Then we went into the Halloween decor shop, the costume barn, all sorts of fun things. My favorite by far was feeding the goats and sheep. The petting zoo was closed, but the animals were in a pen that I could stick my hand into and pet them. They weren't too interested in me since I didn't have any food, but Mommy put a quarter into a machine and got some food. They went crazy for it. I tried to hold some, but I couldn't quite hold my hand open flat enough. The video of it is huge, or Mommy would have posted it.

After that we went to the kiddie part and there were slides and a tractor, a corn maze, a tire swing. It was a lot of fun. You can see Mommy trip over a haystack while filming me. Its pretty funny!

One of the last things we did was a pony ride! My pony's name was Buttons. Buttons didn't seem to mind me riding him, but I didn't care for it. I don't like to sit still, so I went around twice before demanding to be let off. Poor Buttons, its not your fault.

Tea - Earl Grey - Hot

Captain"s Blog: Supplemental

Friday, October 3, 2008

Captain's Blog: Supplemental

This is my crazy Uncle Ben. I have no idea what he's saying, but we all thought it was hysterical!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Playground

Captain's Blog: Supplemental

Here we are at the playground in the middle of Phillips Park. This was before the zoo, actually. I was having a lot of fun going up and down the slide, but the park was very crowded. There were rude and mean kids on the equipment with me and they kept pushing me. At the end of the video you can hear mommy getting mad! You don't want to know what happened after that. Let's just say there were words and then we left, to go to the zoo.

Captain's Blog: Stardate 74231.5

We went on a mission to the Phillips Park Zoo! We saw lots of animals there. Here are some great videos from my adventure!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A real drag...

Captain's Blog: Stardate 76312.5

This is my puppy, Maddie Boo. I lead her around the house today. She loved it, as you can tell.


Captain's Blog: Stardate 75493.2
